I am thinking... of how grateful I am to be able to get up at 5:00am to make oatmeal for my husband before seeing him off to work.
I am thankful for... a recipe in my inbox sent from a friend I've never actually met (yet :) ) thankyou R. M.
From the learning room... we are doing devotions from a book called 'The Narrow Way' by Pearables, it is a character curriculum and family bible study based on 2 Peter one-verse 5-8.
From the Kitchen... the smell of oatmeal and raisins lingers, and meat is thawing, waiting to be made into stew.
I am wearing... my grey skirt (handmade by Grandma), a black long sleeved shirt, with a black sweater, and slippers.
I am creating... a handbag that I'm crocheting, and homemade cards for birthdays that are coming up.
I am going... to take my oldest son on a date :)
I am reading... my bible and 'One Thousand Gifts' a dare to live fully right where you are, by Ann Voskamp (highly recommended)
I am hoping... and praying for the salvation of all my family members.
I am hearing... the sound of the leapfrog on my fridge playing the alphabet song
Around the house... my older two are doing their schoolwork and laundry is waiting to be folded.
One of my favorite things...(there are many) is being served tea every morning by my oldest, watching my daughter learn to love to cook and serve for her family, and hearing my youngest tell me every night before bed, "I love you all the way to moon and back". (ok so that was 3 things :)
A few plans for the rest of the week... to meal plan whole foods recipes, borrowing a much needed snowblower for our yard and driveway, to read up on raising chickens (so excited) and plan for a games night with the family.
Here is a picture thought I'm sharing...
Phillipians 2:one-3
Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves.
1 comment:
Your writing is so perfect. I can hear your voice reading it to me. You are an amazin wife, mom, sister & friend. I miss you so much and I look forward to our weekend in April (conference is early this year)
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