Thursday, August 5, 2010

Letter from Jesus

I have to confess...Today has left me feeling incredibly sad as we had to say 'goodbye' to our Korean girls. There were LOTS of tears, in fact if the truth be told we have been fighting tears all evening long.  I don't like 'goodbyes', I have never have and I don't think I could ever get used to them, especially when you feel like your saying goodbye to family. That is exactly what these girls are to us. Don't get me wrong, we had the most amazing memory filled week.  This was the summer of 2010 that we will NEVER forget.  I have yet to download the many pictures that we captured, so I will be posting about our week very soon! But for now I read this Letter to Jesus some time ago on one of my blogger friends site and  it spoke to me in such a way that I have often gone back to re-read it.  So I want to leave it with all of you.

If you never felt pain, then how would you know that I am a Healer?

If you never had to pray, How would you know that I am a Deliverer?

If you never had a trial, how could you call yourself an overcomer?

If you never felt sadness, How would you know that I am a Comforter?

If you never made a mistake, How would you know that I am a forgiver?

If you knew all, How would you know that I will answer your questions?

If you never were in trouble, How would you know that I will come to your rescue

If you never were broken, Then how would you know that I can make you whole?

If you never had a problem,How would you know that I can solve them?

If you never had any suffering, Then how would you know what I went through?

If you never went through the fire, Then how would you become pure?

If I gave you all things, How would you appreciate them?

If I never corrected you, How would you know that I love you?

If you had all power, Then how would you learn to depend on me?

If your life was perfect, Then what would you need me for?



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