Saturday, July 17, 2010


So I've been playing around with this new adventure of mine called 'blogging', and I have quickly realized that there is a whole lot more to this than meets the eye.  Let me first say that this whole process is so much more fun when you find that one special friend who wants to begin the same journey of starting her own blog, (because it's so much more fun getting on the phone and sharing what you've learned and figuring this this thing out together!)  So you have to sign up, then you have to design your page and add gadgets (who knew what they were before all this???) then you have to decide if you want music or not.  I have always enjoyed listening to soft music playing in the background as I am reading the latest updates on some of my favorite blogger friends.  I apologize in advance if you hear a song or two that you play on your own blog, I basically chose all of my favorites from others playlists to compile my own.  I hope you enjoy listening  to them as you read, otherwise you can always feel free to turn the volume down.  I promise I won't be offended :)   I have really been enjoying the whole process of setting up this blog, and now I feel as if it's time to share with all of you just whats been going on around here.  So grab a cup of tea or coffee if you prefer and join me.

What could be more wonderful than berry picking
with those that you love to be with?
My family of course!

Sure I could have gone to the grocery store, or better yet, a farmers market, but then I would miss out on the sweet memories that were made by being together.  Besides...I've come to learn over the years that it's best to go berry picking at the beginning of the season.  Strawberries always come first, usually around the middle of June, so I be sure to call the farm ahead to ask how the berries are doing, and find out when they think that u-pick will begin.  I have been bringing my little people with me (ok, so Dustin is not so little anymore at 5"8 or is it 5"9??) since they were very little.  They really enjoy being apart of the whole process from picking the fruit to preparing to freeze and of course make our favorite freezer jam! YUM, and I of course, love being with them...all of the time.  We picked raspberries as well, but I sadly left the picking until much too late (I think they came early and the season was much shorter this year compared to last year ) and can you believe I FORGOT my camera!!!  So unfortunately I don't have a picture to share.  It was such a sweet blessing to be working with my dear daughter Kassidy as we shared lovely conservations while we worked hard to fill 4 ice-cream pails full!  This was Corey's first trip to the raspberry patch and he was so excited to learn how pick the berries and begin to fill his pail, with each berry he would say to me "Mama, anudder one", and he was so proud of himself.  Dustin of course was so helpful to be mindful of Corey and so they wandered around and played in the petting zoo and then to the playground and then back to joining us girls.  The fruits of our labour were well worth every moment.
Do you love spending time with your children?  I sure do.  My dear husband and I have just finished reading a book together called  "Keeping Our Children's Hearts" by Steve and Teri Maxwell, and I have to tell you it was one of the very best books that we have ever read (not including God's Word, of course)  To give you a glimpse of what this book is about I will quote from the back of the book, and let you be the judge:
Written for parents of young children to teenagers, this book shares the joys and outcomes ofour vital priority--keeping our children's hearts.  Rebellion and immorality are commonl among teens even within the Christian community.  Does scripture offer any path of hope for more than this for our children?  What can parents do to direct their children toward godliness rather than worldliness?  When does this process begin?  What is the cost?
Steve and Teri Maxwell believe the key factors in raising children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4 are whether or not the parents have their children's hearst and what they are doing with those hearts.  Keeping Our Children's Hearts offers direction and encouragement on this critically important topic.
This is an amazing family of 8 children with 4 of whom are adults now, so they certainly have seen their children grow and become obedient followers of the Lord and live this out.  We loved this book so much I felt it worthy of sharing this with you.  I highly recommend it. 
Scott and I have been so encouraged and certain of the calling in our lives to raise these precious children that God has placed in our lives, in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  We don't want to be satisfied with the outward conformity from our children, what we really want is their hearts so we can turn their hearts to Jesus Christ.   "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" Romans 10:10.
We are to love them, spend time with them, listen to them, teach them and guide them
"And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up" Deuteronomy 6:7.
We certainly haven't 'arrived' by any means in our journey as Christians, we still fail miserably, but God's mercies are new every morning, and I feel sooo blessed to be given this most amazing opportunity to be chosen as the parents of my three precious gifts, to be their Mamma. 
My God is good ALL of the time.
Blessings and hugs


Anonymous said...

Cogratulations on your new journey!
Thank you for inviting me to be your first visitor to your very own blog. I am very excited for you and for others with knowing how much you will bless and encourage others and vice versa.
I just want to thank God for blessing me through your friendship and your deep desire of pleasing Him.
God bless you and your new journey!

Love & blessings,
Your friend

Anonymous said...

Cherlye, what a beautiful gift of writing you have! I look forward to reading more and being encouraged and gleaning from your wisdom.~ Suzanne